Home / Automotive-Automotive Tools-Sockets / Draper TX-STAR Impact & Hex Socket Set in 1/2 Drawer EVA Insert Tray, 1/2" Sq. Dr. 28 Piece

Draper TX-STAR Impact & Hex Socket Set in 1/2 Drawer EVA Insert Tray, 1/2" Sq. Dr. 28 Piece

  • Detail
    Expert Quality, items manufactured from chrome molybdenum steel, which is correctly hardened and tempered with a black phosphate finish. Supplied complete in a two tone 1/2 drawer EVA insert tray made from closed cell foam, overall size 270 x 276 x 30mm (w x d x h). Suitable to be used in Draper and Draper Expert tool chests and other manufacturers similar tool chests.

    Kit includes:

    9 x 1/2" Sq. Dr. E socket: E10, E11, E12, E14, E16, E18, E20, E22, E24
    10 x 1/2" Sq. Dr. Draper TX - STAR? bits: T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50, T55, T60, T70
    9 x 1/2" Sq. Dr. Hex bits: H4, H5, H6, H8, H10, H12, H14, H17, H19

    Technical Specification

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