Home / Automotive-Automotive Tools / Big Boy Metal Filler 250ml

Big Boy Metal Filler 250ml

  • Detail
    Temperature extremes and vibrations can be tough on surfaces, and this ultra-robust Big Boy metal filler has been designed to cope with whatever the environment throws at it. Use it to fix dings and bumps in cars, vans and trailers, or as a general-purpose filler on concrete, bricks and wood. It conducts heat efficiently, so it's suitable to use on steel, aluminium and zinc. 
    This metal filler includes a putty, an accelerator and a handy applicator. Because it contains tiny aluminium particles, it has high conductivity and grips easily to many surfaces. Plus, if you're after a flawless finish, you'll find this filler simple to apply, quick to dry and easy to sand down once it's hardened. Simply apply your paint and stand back to admire your handiwork.
    • Corrosion-resistant for surfaces subjected to vibrations or frequent temperature changes
    • High thermal conductivity and gripping ability for use on steel, aluminium and zinc
    • Includes filler, hardener and applicator
    • Hazard safety codes: Xn, Xi, R10, R20, R36/38
    • Age-restricted to over-18s
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