Home / Builders Metalwork / Heavy Duty Flat Strap 30 x 5 x 1000mm

Heavy Duty Flat Strap 30 x 5 x 1000mm

  • Detail
    This heavy-duty flat metal strap can be used for a wide variety of applications, including repairing fence posts, reinforcing carpentry joints and pinning back internal walls. It's made from hot-dipped galvanised steel for good resistance against corrosion. 
    The strap comes with pre-punched holes for fixing with screws or nails. These holes are offset so the strap won't wobble once fixed. It can be holed, bent or twisted to suit your requirements and the metal can also be easily cut to the desired length with a hacksaw.
    • 30(W) x 1000(L) mm with a 5 mm thickness
    • Made from galvanised steel for strength and corrosion resistance
    • Offset pre-punched holes for a secure and wobble-free fixing
    • Easily cut with a hacksaw to achieve your desired length
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