Home / Builders Metalwork / Stainless Steel Movement Ties with Sleeves 200mm

Stainless Steel Movement Ties with Sleeves 200mm

  • Detail
    • Debonding sleeve lets masonry expand or contract for better usage
    • Maximum durability and stability

    Stainless steel strip tie designed to be used with a Debonding Sleeve in a movement joint in brickwork or blockwork.
    The movement ties restrain masonry against lateral wind loads whilst allowing brick walls and masonry panels to expand or contract.
    Each 200mm stainless steel tie body has a plain end and a perforated end and has a de-bonding sleeve that fits over the plain end.
    The sleeve should be installed leaving a 10mm gap at the end of the tie to allow for expansion of brickwork.
    Ties should be installed at 300mm centres and conventional cavity wall ties should be installed either side of the expansion joint.
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