Home / Construction & Insulation-Roofing-Polycarbonate Sheets / Alupave Gutter Internal Straight Connector Mill

Alupave Gutter Internal Straight Connector Mill

  • Detail
    • Allows joining of two Alupave gutter lengths
    • Long lasting Aluminium Structure
    • Fireproof system
    • Double seal to prevent water ingress to substructure

    The internal straight gutter connector is an integral piece to your decking project. This piece allows you to join two lengths of gutter without compromising on the hidden gutter capability and also helps keep the water carrying functionality of the gutter intact. Alupave decking and flat-roofing system combines a number of patented, innovative features that make it truly unique. Creating a double seal connection between each Alupave board prevents water ingress to the substructure, meaning that time can be saved on the build. Alupave is extruded from aluminium and has a double-peak anti-wear surface, giving it excellent longevity for high traffic areas and long term requirements. Being manufactured from aluminium also means Alupave has natural fireproof qualities, making it suitable for use on high rise buildings.
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