Home / Construction & Insulation-Roofing-Roof Repair / Alupave Fireproof Flat Roof & Decking Side Gutter Sand 6m

Alupave Fireproof Flat Roof & Decking Side Gutter Sand 6m

  • Detail
    Alupave decking and flat-roofing side gutter plays an essential part of the integral gutter system for the Alupave system, offering superior water management while preventing damage to the substructure. Alupave decking and flat-roofing side gutter is extruded from aluminium, giving it excellent longevity and natural fireproof qualities, meaning it is suitable for use on high rise buildings as a safe, non-combustible option. Alupave decking side gutter is easy to install with a simple push fit over the final Alupave decking board, meaning that water can be drained from the entire decking of flat-roofing area to one chosen point, providing excellent water management possibilities.

    • Long lasting aluminium structure
    • Fireproof system
    • Double seal to prevent water ingress to substructure
    • Integral gutter system for excellent water management
    • Hidden fixings
    • Interlocking for fast installation and strength
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