Home / Hand Tools-Plumbing Tools-Pipe Cutting & Bending / Draper Combination Tap and Die Set - Metric and BSP in EVA Foam Insert Tray 22 Piece

Draper Combination Tap and Die Set - Metric and BSP in EVA Foam Insert Tray 22 Piece

  • Detail
    Manufactured from carbon steel. Taps and dies suitable for cleaning and cutting threads on mild steel and aluminium. Supplied complete in a two tone 1/4 drawer EVA insert tray made from closed cell foam, suitable to be used in Draper and Draper Expert tool chests and other manufacturers similar tool chests.

    Kit includes:

    7 x metric dies: 3 x 0.5, 4 x 0.7, 5 x 0.8, 6 x 1.0, 8 x 1.25, 10 x 1.5, 12 x 1.75 - 1" O/D
    2 x BSP dies: 1/8", 1/4" BSP
    2 x BSP taps: 1/8", 1/4" BSP
    7 x metric plug taps (bottoming): 3 x 0.5, 4 x 0.7, 5 x 0.8, 6 x 1.0, 8 x 1.25, 10 x 1.5, 12 x 1.75 - 1" O/D - American pattern 1/2" capacity
    1 x die holder 1" O/D with guide
    1 x screw-pitch gauge screwdriver
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