Home / Hand Tools-Plumbing Tools-Pipe Cutting & Bending / Fast Kut Copper Pipe Cutter Spare Wheel

Fast Kut Copper Pipe Cutter Spare Wheel

  • Detail
    Spare wheel for the Fast Kut pipe cutter, which is ideal for when you need to reduce the size of copper piping. It's perfect for use when redecorating the bathroom or installing a new toilet. The small size works well in those tricky bathroom alcoves, and it will fit the range of 10-28mm diameter pipe cutters.

    This compact tool is quick to get the work done – it only takes three turns to cut through the copper tube. Simply slot the pipe into the cutter, twist it and let the wheel slice the copper, leaving a perfectly sized tube with a clean edge.

    • Ideal for cutting copper pipe
    • Perfect for use in compact environments
    • Cuts copper tube with only 3 turns
    • Leaves a clean edge
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