Home / Leak Sealers / Fernox F4 Central Heating Leak Sealer Express 400ml

Fernox F4 Central Heating Leak Sealer Express 400ml

  • Detail
    Seals small leaks and weeps which may cause pressure loss and boiler breakdown.

    Suitable to be used throughout a central heating system to seal small leaks and weeps which may cause pressure loss and boiler breakdown. Once dispersed within the system it will be effective 1-24 hours after application. The unique sealing efficiency of this proven product has been specifically developed to prevent blockages or restrictions within the boiler or vulnerable system components such as pumps and safety devices.

    • Seeks out and seals inaccessible, internal microscopic leaks fast
    • Quick and convenient – doses in 30 seconds - no need to drain down the system
    • Non-toxic, environmentally friendly formulation, compressed air propellant and 100% recyclable can
    • One 400m canister treats up to 130 litres of system water (16 radiators) and the equivalent of 250m2 of underfloor systems.
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