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Cut End Wood Preserver 1L

  • Detail
    Say goodbye to wet rot or discolouration and keep your deck looking great for longer with the Cut End Wood Preserver by Barrettine. It penetrates into the exposed end grains of wood to provide a water-repellent finish after it's been cut or drilled. It's a long term solution for common issues with timber and protects any pressure treated wood against fungal decay and wood boring insect attacks.
    The resins and oils in this preserver are formulated to give a long lasting effect, which saves you time as you won't need to keep reapplying it. 180ml treats a square metre, so a little goes a long way. It's easy to apply the preserver with a brush. The liquid is rainproof within just 90 minutes, which is handy for external applications like wall joinery or summer houses. Plus, it dries fully within 12 hours, so you can move on to the next task quickly.
    • Water repellent finish
    • For pressure treated timber that’s been cut, drilled or exposed
    • Ideal for decking boards or summer houses
    • Protects against fungal decay, wet rot and discolouring fungus
    • Also protects against wood boring insects
    • Resins and oils provide a long lasting effect
    • Drying time of 12 hours - rain proof in 90 minutes
    • Easy application with brush
    • 180ml per square metre coverage
    • Active ingredients: Tebuconazole, IPBC and Permethrin
    • Protects timber from blue stain
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