Home / Painting & Decorating / Hiomant Alox Sanding Roll 115mm 80 Grit 5m

Hiomant Alox Sanding Roll 115mm 80 Grit 5m

  • Detail
    Looking for a heavyweight sanding paper to prepare surfaces prior to finishing? This E weight sanding paper has a strong, relatively inflexible backing. It comes on a five-metre roll and is a medium grade, 80 grit, so it's suitable for sanding surfaces like wood.
    This paper is highly durable and will stand up to heavy wear, particularly around the edges, giving you even results. The surface is designed to resist clogging so you'll get a smooth and even finish. Because this sanding paper comes on a roll, you can use it on machines and while sanding by hand. Simply cut it to size and you're all set.
    • 115mm wide
    • Durable E weight backing gives long-lasting, super edge wear resistance
    • Prevents clogging
    • Good removal and sanding
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