Home / Painting & Decorating / Mapei Trade Super Grab Tile Adhesive 15kg Off White

Mapei Trade Super Grab Tile Adhesive 15kg Off White

  • Detail
    When bathrooms or kitchens are needing a bit of an upgrade, use this Mapei Trade Super Grab tile adhesive to fix some fresh new tiles to the walls. It's suitable when working on big or small decorating jobs. With a handy non-slip finish, it's particularly useful when you're tiling showers or baths.
    The adhesive is easy to apply and comes ready mixed. It has a high initial grab, so the bonding strength is powerful. It's certainly versatile too, and the maximum tile size it will work with is a big 300 x 300 mm.
    • Ready to use – waste no time getting straight to work
    • Approx coverage 8 m² per tub
    • Adhesive class D1T
    • 15 kg tub
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