Home / Painting & Decorating / Pioneer Microfibre Roller Set 9"

Pioneer Microfibre Roller Set 9"

  • Detail
    Whether you're new to painting and decorating, or a seasoned pro, you'll appreciate this microfibre roller set. Comprising all you need to paint large expanses as well as smaller areas, you'll find both wide and smaller width rollers in this kit. The set includes a universal tray, large 9” and small 4” roller frames, as well as three refills in both sizes.

    The rollers themselves are made from microfibre that absorbs paint well – this minimises splatter and helps achieve a great all round performance. They can be used on rough, semi-rough and smooth surfaces so they'll basically do the job anywhere.

    • Ideal for combining large and intricate areas

    • Thermobonded core

    • Can be used on rough, semi-rough and smooth surfaces

    • Microfibre absorbs paint well for good paint pick up

    • 1 x 9” roller frame and 3 x 9” rollers

    • 1 x mini 4” roller frame and 3 x 4” rollers

    • Universal tray for 4” and 9” rollers
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