Home / Painting & Decorating / Prodec Tack Cloths

Prodec Tack Cloths

  • Detail
    Need to remove dust from your surface without using water? These tack cloths from ProDec are the perfect solution – they’ll ensure it’s clean and free from contaminants prior to painting, so you can achieve maximum adhesion.
    Each cloth has a special lightly tacky resin that efficiently picks up any loose dust, lint, dirt and other debris that's not always visible to the naked eye. if you’ve just sanded painted or bare wood surfaces, these cloths excel – there’s no heavy-duty scrubbing required, just one or two light wipes is all that’s needed.

    • Picks up and holds sanding residue, dust and dirt before painting
    • Ensures a clear surface for maximum adhesion
    • Perfect for clearing dust without using water
    • No heavy-duty scrubbing required
    • Pack contains 10 cloths individually foil-sealed for freshness
    • Cloth size of 30” x 16” (76cm x 41cm) for impressive cleaning capacity
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