Home / Painting & Decorating / Ronseal Precision Finish Fence Pump Sprayer 5L

Ronseal Precision Finish Fence Pump Sprayer 5L

  • Detail
    The Ronseal Precision Finish Fence Pump Sprayer is a really useful tool for painting or treating fences and sheds. With this product, you can complete a whole fence panel in about four minutes and there are no messy paintbrushes to deal with when you finish.
    This sprayer is faster and cleaner than using a brush and it effortlessly covers those hard to reach corners. You'll find it's easy to operate – simply fill it up, pump up the pressure and you're ready to go. There are two spray sizes to choose from so you can cover wide areas and take care of the finer details with accuracy. The top of the pump is funnel shaped too, which makes it simple to fill and empty. Plus, the solid base features a nifty little footrest that ensures it remains stable when in use.
    • Treat a fence panel in 3 to 4 minutes
    • 2 spray width settings for speed or accuracy
    • Clear indicator to see how much paint is left
    • Compatible with Ronseal Fence Life products
    • Holds 5L
    • Easy to clean
    • Mechanical, manual operation - pump to pressure
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