Home / Painting & Decorating / Vitrex Grout Finisher

Vitrex Grout Finisher

  • Detail
    Achieve a perfect finish with tiling work using this grout finishing tool from Vitrex. It's multi-functional, so it's a clever add-on to your toolkit – a scraper on one end helps you remove excess grout caused by using a float over large areas.
    Gap and corner cleaning is a breeze, thanks to this scraper's angled shape that gets into every nook. You can also run the ball end between tiles so that you get neat, rounded lines and ensure professional results during your next kitchen or bathroom project. The durable plastic construction makes it really easy to clean up after use too, so no hassle.
    • End scraper for easily removing excess grout
    • Ball end can be run between tiles for neat and rounded lines
    • Angled shape gets into difficult gaps and corners with ease
    • Tough, durable and easy to clean for use time and time again
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