Home / Plumbing-Guttering & Fittings / 112mm Half Round Union Bracket White

112mm Half Round Union Bracket White

  • Detail
    Use this bracket from Aquaflow to join half-round downpipes or guttering together. It's a good choice for a quick do-it-yourself gutter extension job, as it's simple to install and has click-fit rubber seals that ensure a secure join. You can use this bracket as an attachment for high-capacity rainwater systems because it's large enough to drain water away effectively.
    This bracket is made from PVC, which is lightweight, easily transportable and not too heavy to lift. PVC is also robust and designed to withstand the elements well, so it won't deteriorate when it's exposed to sun or harsh weather. Its square-to-round adapters make it easy to connect pipes or gutter to adjoining houses, and there are screw holes for fixing the bracket into position. Once it's installed, you have a durable and watertight join.
    • BS 4576
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