Home / Plumbing-Waste Fittings / Solvent Weld Bend 90° 32mm White

Solvent Weld Bend 90° 32mm White

  • Detail
    Use this solvent weld bend to redirect the flow of water from your pipe at 90° degrees. The diameter and fitting dimensions conform to British Standards Institute (BSI) requirements so you know that it'll fit regular UK pipes. Just slot the bend over your pipe and the solvent will weld it tightly into place, preventing overflow and condensation without the need for a cement seal.
    This bend is made from a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material, making it lightweight and so easy to fit without fiddling. It's also a tough material that holds its shape and won't crack or chip when forced into place. The solvent weld prevents rust from building up over time. This bend is designed to withstand shifts in temperature and high heat – you can use it for hot as well as cold water pipes.
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