Home / Plumbing-Waste Fittings / Solvent Weld Overflow Bend 21.5mm 90° Black

Solvent Weld Overflow Bend 21.5mm 90° Black

  • Detail
    This solvent weld overflow bend from Aquaflow diverts the flow of water from your pipes at a 90° angle. It will fit onto regular pipes in the UK since the dimensions meet British Standards Institution (BSI) requirements. There's adhesive inside this bend to help with fitting it tightly into place without the need for cement. Install this part by pushing it on swiftly, to ensure that adhesive takes hold at the right place.
    The polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material is resistant to heat so you can use this bend for hot or cold water pipes. The construction is also nice and lightweight, so it's no hassle lugging a load of them around a site. This product fitted to a water pipe will resist build-ups of rust, and it’s tough, durable frame holds its shape and won't crack or snap.
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