Home / Power Tools-Mixers & Compactors-Plaster Mixer / Einhell 1600W Electric Paint & Mortar Mixer 230V

Einhell 1600W Electric Paint & Mortar Mixer 230V

  • Detail
    • M14 stirrer mount
    • Dynamic speed control, no speed loss under load
    • Idle speed (gear 1) 0-460 rpm
    • Idle speed (gear 2) 0-750 rpm
    • Incl: 133mm mortar stirrer

    The Einhell TE-MX 1600-2 CE electric paint and mortar mixer is a high quality and powerful aid to stir and mix powdery construction materials. Its two speed gear unit in a robust and durable metal aluminium housing converts the power of the 1600W motor either into a high torque or into high speed so that the required speed of mixing can be adjusted optimally to the consistency of the mixed material. The stirrer benefits from soft start, and the inbuilt dynamic speed control enables the precise adjustment of the speed without speed reduction. Due to its big ergonomic handlebar, the mortar mixer always sits in the hand perfectly, and the 3m long cable offers a sufficient radius to work at any time.
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