Home / Power Tools-Workshop Tools-Bench Tools / Draper 450W Oscillating Belt & Spindle Sander 230V

Draper 450W Oscillating Belt & Spindle Sander 230V

  • Detail
    • 0-45 degree tilting table
    • Sanding belt, sleeves, drums, wrench and throat plates included
    • 38mm dust extraction facility
    • No-volt switch

    This oscillating spindle and belt sander has a double configuration with fast, easy changing between spindle sander and belt sander. Dual rotating and vertically oscillating action for fast sanding and improved work rate with reduced chance of burn. The aluminium table tilts 0-45 degrees for easy chamfering and edge work. Maximum versatility and work rate with both intricate, shaped and standard workpieces. Powerful 450W induction motor. Vented throat plates and under-table dust extraction channel. Bench mounted or freestanding operation. Non-latching safety on/off no-volt switch with dust cover. On-board storage for all accessories.

    • Supplied with 100 x 610mm 80 grit sanding belt, sleeves, drums, wrench and throat plates.
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