Home / Sanitary Sealants / BT1 Ultimate Bathroom Adhesive & Sealant 290ml White

BT1 Ultimate Bathroom Adhesive & Sealant 290ml White

  • Detail
    • No more mould or fungal growth
    • Free of solvents and isocyanates
    • Reduces bacteria by up to 99.99%
    • Tribrid technology
    • Interior use only

    BT1 is the ultimate bathroom sealant and adhesive, based on CT1's revolutionary TRIBRID® technology, effective against a broad spectrum of microbes including MRSA, E. coli and Campylobacter. Suitable to be used in all public health institutions including hospitals and clinics. Tested under MOD IOS 22196:201, BT1 is EC1 Plus certified meaning it has very low emissions. It is also ETAG approved for bonding shower panels without mechanical fixings. BT1 will form a unique durable compound with high elasticity, and will successfully bond: woods, metals, brickwork, concrete, fiberglass, glass, ceramics, uPVC, and most plastics (except PP, PE and PTFE) even in wet conditions.
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