Home / Big Boy Filler Ultra Fine 250ml

Big Boy Filler Ultra Fine 250ml

  • Detail
    Get a professional result with this ultra-fine bodywork filler from Big Boy. Comprising a tube of hardening compound plus a tub of putty, you can use this product to fill fine scratches and bumps before final finishing. It's particularly well suited to fix vehicle body panels, window frames and walls. 
    This product is extremely sticky so will grip onto metal, wood, bridging fillers and masonry with ease. You can also use it to repair some types of PVC. It's very elastic so won't crack under stress. You can use it for outside jobs as well as cars and vans, as it will resist corrosion.
    It doesn't contain talc and it's light to carry, so you can chuck it in your bag and take it from job to job. Be careful when you're using it because it's irritating to your skin and eyes, as well as highly flammable.
    • Fill fine scratches and bumps before finishing
    • High elasticity and gripping ability
    • Good sanding properties
    • Resistant to corrosion
    • Talc-free
    • Lightweight
    • Sale restricted to over-18s
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