Home / Bulldog Bowsaw with 2 blades 21"

Bulldog Bowsaw with 2 blades 21"

  • Detail
    Bowsaw with knuckle guard. Supplied with one green and one dry blade.

    Spare blades for green wood:
    21" (code 95090)
    24" (code 48835)
    30" (code 64967)

    Spare blades for dry wood:
    21" (code 19701)
    24" (code 27472)
    30" (code 19550)

    • Contains one green (live wood) and one dry (dead wood) blade as well as the saw
    • Designed with a knuckle guard for increased safety when using the saw
    • Quick blade release for easy changing of blades
    • Blade locking devise to ensure the blade is secure before using
    • Tubular steel frame and blades are both 21" in length

    The Bulldog Universal Bow Saw is the perfect tool for sawing through both live green wood or dead dry wood. The knuckle guard also provides a comfortable secure grip for increased safety when using the saw. Quick blade release for easy changing of blades, the saw also has a locking devise to ensure the blade is secure before using.
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