Home / Minotaur Wire Brush Set

Minotaur Wire Brush Set

  • Detail
    Set includes stainless steel bristle and brass bristle brushes.

    The stainless steel wire brush is best used for cleaning rust, paint and dirt and is also very handy for grime removal. The wire brush is primarily an abrasive implement, used for cleaning rust and removing paint. It is also used to clean surfaces and to create a better conductive area for attaching electrical connections, such as those between car battery posts and their connectors, should they accumulate a build up of grime and dirt.

    Brass bristle wire brushes are used on softer surfaces or when it is necessary to clean a harder surface without marring it. The brass wire brush is to be used where marking, damage or sparks need to be avoided. Ideal for cleaning spark plugs, battery terminals, alloys, internal window stays and metalwork. The brass brush are also used in potentially flammable environments where non sparking tools are required. They are also used in surface engineering to clean the castings to paint the castings.

    Includes: 1 x Brass coated bristle wire brush, 1 x Stainless Steel coated bristle wire brush.
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